Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How to Tell If You Need a Total Window Replacement

Are you a homeowner in Ann Arbor?
Are you trying to save money and energy on your home?
Do you think you need a total window replacement but aren’t sure if you should make the investment or not?
Trying to decide if your windows can be saved or if they have to be replaced can be stressful! Before you start shopping for windows, go through our checklist to make sure you’re not spending money unnecessarily.
  1. Inspect your windows for decay. According to Consumer Reports, a professional might be able to repair rot, jammed sashes, and broken parts. If you’ve noticed signs of water damage on the window frame, they should be taken care of before the wood starts to rot. Also check in between your windows for condensation between layers. Replacing your windows will get rid of these problems.
  2. If your home was built before 1978, consider a window replacement. Lead-based paint was very common in homes that were built prior to 1978. If you have single-pane windows, the constant opening and closing of windows causes a lot of lead dust. Replacing these windows will take care of the lead risk.
  3. Do you want to make your windows more energy-efficient? Sometimes, a total window replacement isn’t necessary to get rid of drafts in your home. Caulking and weather stripping can help reduce drafts, but if your old windows are beyond repair, getting a total window replacement is the best option for you.
  4. Are you tired of constantly repairing your old windows? If you’re tired of constantly spending time and money nursing your old windows, a total window replacement might be the better option. If you have old windows, consider that you’re going to have to spend time scraping, painting and cleaning them to make sure they stay in great condition.

Still Not Sure About Window Replacement in Ann Arbor?

Window replacement is a great long term investment and if you’re still unsure of the best option for you please give us a call! At Wilderness Construction we pride ourselves on always putting the customer first. Contact us today to get started on your window replacement in Ann Arbor!

Monday, June 24, 2013

SEO and Beyond The Book: Pssst! Got a Website?

Pssst!  Have you got a website?

Are people visiting it?

Is it showing up on Google?

If you said "NO!" to any of the above questions, then we highly recommend you keep reading.

We hear from business owners all the time ... either that their website doesn't show up on Google, or nobody visits.  They're also curious how to leverage other social media like Facebook, Twitter or Linked In.  

SEO Ann Arbor can help you optimize your website to attract more visitors and customers!  Plus we use about a million tricks of the trade so YOUR website gets Google's positive attention.  

The SEO techniques we use take a lot of time, and many of you business owners are already spending enough time at work, right? 

Well, we know there are a few brave souls out there ready to push up their sleeves and get to work. You may be one of them. So... believe it or not, we've harnessed our SEO brilliance and we've shared with you in our newly published book SEO and Beyond - How to Rocket Your Website to Page One of Google! 

Available on amazon.com! 

If you're in the Ann Arbor area, give us a call at 734-619-0736 and we'll find a way to sign your copy!

 See the press release below and happy SEO-ing!
